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Book two of the "I call him HIM" trilogy "The Angel of Death" is now available...
What people are saying about "The Angel of Death"
I could not take my eyes off the pages! I devoured this book in one sitting. The action, mystery, and story pacing kept me turning page after page.
The development of the story from book one to book two is SO GOOD. Kimak is a new author to me (other than having read his first book in this trilogy) so I didn't know what to expect as far as execution of the second book. It was just as mesmerizing as the first book, if not more so!
Book 3's teaser at the end was cruel, I want more of this story right now!
I am not one to re-read books, but as soon as book 3 comes out I most definitely will be re-reading the entire Trilogy.
- Book Banshee -
"I call him HIM" is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble!!!
In a Post-Apocalyptic World, a warrior and his family are driven underground, fighting for their very survival.
When they do emerge, the futuristic planet they discover is very different from the one they left behind. Ruled by an evil presence which dominates and controls what is left of mankind, Earth has been reduced to a violent place of darkness, grief and destruction.
I call him HIM follows the journey of this unnamed warrior as he loses both his family and his mind. As he hits rock bottom, all he can think of is his insatiable yearning for revenge until he meets a young girl called Angelica who shows him the true power of faith. Her youth, innocence and strength of character remind him of everything he has lost and the things that really matter.
But as the armies of the world rise up for the ultimate battle of good versus evil, can Angelica help him regain his sanity and rediscover himself before it is too late?
Author Scott W. Kimak takes the classic theme of good and evil and gives it a modern twist in this inspiring tale of the importance of keeping your faith in the bleakest of circumstances.
What people are saying about I call him HIM...
All of a sudden, despite the mystery driving me to absolutely devour this book, I didn't want the book to end - Book Banshee - four stars
Brilliant first novel by a new author - Lisa Welch - five stars
The following are excerpts from my book
For as far as you could see, the ground around it was blanketed with ash and charcoal. Sometimes the wind would swoop in with all its hatred and churn mini dust devils of death. To look upon it gave you a feeling of raw sorrow. What once gave life to so many souls was now nothing more than a graveyard without markers. The only tombstone was the tower, standing alone, reaching its claws up into the dark clouds a thousand feet away.
Chapter 23 - "I call him HIM"
Instantly the warrior was up again and sprinting into the horde, sliding from side to side like a skater on the bloody field, both swords moving in a figure-eight motion, cutting out a corridor of both flesh and fear as demons tried to flee but could find no recourse but death.
Chapter 12 "I call him HIM"
I looked into her eyes and felt our souls entwine. It was more than just passion. I loved her so deeply, that one second away from her drilled a spike into my heart. How could I be so lucky?
She looked at me and laughed with that cute
little chuckle that sounded so special.
I breathed her in and smelled that unique scent that belonged only to
her. I promised myself at that moment
that I would never forget that laugh or the way she smelled.
Chapter 18 - "I call him HIM"
look at my wife, and I see my own reflection in her eyes. I see fear on my face. I see pain.
My wife turns to liquid and melts away from my hands. Quickly, I look at my daughter and start to
run toward her. Every step is like
quicksand, and no matter how hard I try I can't get any closer. She opens the shelter door and starts to scream.
I feel the pain absorb me. It cuts into my bones and tears my soul
away. A path opens to my right drenched
in darkness. It calls to me, and I know
that if I take it my pain will be gone forever.
I also know that if I take it, my memories of my family will be lost
forever. I try to fight it, but I can't
endure the pain. I am too weak. I have failed them. I choose the dark path.....
Chapter 18 "I call him HIM"
Why have I felt this way ever since I first saw her? I feel like I've come out of a long sleep, and for the first time I can see light at the end of the tunnel. For so long all I can remember is death. It almost seems as if death was alive and that he is me. It is all I have seen, and it is all I have known. From the time I woke, until the time I went to bed, all I would think about is killing. I would thirst for death like someone dying of dehydration. I would hunger for it like someone who is starving.
Chapter 13 "I call him HIM"
villages we come across are completely destroyed, but there have been a few
where every structure is left intact.
This village was a combination of both.
On the east side, there were several structures still standing; some of
these were even more than one level in height.
Almost all of the windows were broken. The shards of glass that remained
looked like hungry fangs ready to attack.
Doors were missing or hanging by a few threads on their hinges. Most of the roofs were gone, and the ones
that remained sagged or twisted inward, like some kind of deformity hoping to
be put out of its misery. In all its
awkwardness, at least the east side had remained with a small essence of its
former self. The west side was nothing
more than a crumbling mess of chaos.
Nothing remained standing. It was
littered with broken concrete and debris, melancholy, and deserted of life.
Chapter 1 "I call him HIM"
He swung his swords so quickly that the Leader couldn't even see the movement, but he could hear the sound, and it brought a smile to his face. When steel breaks it makes a distinctive ringing pop, and this is what the Leader heard. One second the dark warrior held two powerful swords. A moment later he backed away, only holding two hilts in his hands.
Relieved, the Leader shouted to the warrior, "You have fought bravely. The Master honors you by giving you the privilege of meeting him. Surrender and your life will be spared."
Defiantly, the dark warrior glared at him and gave his response by dropping into a cross-legged position, with his arms spread out behind him like wings. The Leader could see that his hands formed a clutching position and recognized the stance from old kung fu movies. This was Eagle Claw.
Chapter 12 "I call him HIM"
It was like a mouth of impenetrable blackness, as the young girl entered the damp, cold snake that wound its way under the worms and other bugs that crawled above. The echoes of footsteps were the only thing to relieve the loneliness inside the giant serpent as their sound rebounded off the walls. Shadows dissolved as quickly as they appeared, giving her nothing but darkness to look forward to.
From "I call him HIM" Chapter 22 - The Sewers

About me
My name is Scott Kimak and I'm from Harlingen Texas.
The idea for "I call him - HIM" came to me nearly forty years ago when I was only thirteen years old. At that time I tried to write the first page and failed miserably. Flash forward to the summer of 2018. I decided to give it a second shot and the words flowed unrestrained.
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